Healthy Lifestyle Changes to Adopt Going into Our 30’s

Tracie Johnson here shares some quick tips on some lifestyle changes that can benefit us as we head into our thirties.

By the age of 30, we all start feeling some of the natural effects of aging. Aging is not something we’re able to avoid, but we can minimize its impact. Healthy lifestyle choices lessen the side effects normally associated with age. Let’s take a look at five ways we can start living healthier now:

1. Sprinkling Activity Throughout Our Day

Most of us work rather sedentary jobs, hardly getting up during the day. Every once in a while, we’ve got to move our body around. Otherwise, our bodies begin to stiffen, making movement painful. Try getting up once an hour to walk around the office. Remote workers could simply take a walk through their neighbourhood. Just a few minutes of activity can help to negate muscle loss. [Read more…]

Loneliness: When is it a problem?

We welcome Stefanie Simyone who looks into the topic of loneliness, something that we can all experience from time to time. Stefanie is a freelancer and mother of two who after experiencing a toxic relationship, worked on how to put it all behind her by helping others to become self-aware and build healthier relationships.

Some behavioral experts believe that the discomfort associated with loneliness is a “wake-up call” that warns us of social isolation. In ancient times, a person had almost no chance of survival on their own. Why do we still fear to be alone?

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Powerful Resources for Living and Working in a COVID-19 Pandemic

For so many of our global society, we are experiencing something quite unique. An unseen and invisible disease on a scale almost inconceivable. Many will quite naturally experience emotional and psychological turbulence at the disruption of established patterns and routines which so readily provides us with a (false) sense of control and order.


We are all participants in what will likely become referred to as an extraordinary chapter of history. [Read more…]

Can Mindfulness Keep Us Safe From COVID-19?

Huge thanks to our resident guest author, Tim. In this piece, he opens up for discussion and consideration the hot topic of COVID-19 and the impact on our wellbeing the global shutdown can create.

If you’re hoping for a universal aspirin then it’s a pretty daft question, really, because it can and it can’t. It can’t stop you from becoming infected with COVID-19, nor can it mitigate the infection should we be unlucky enough to contract it. But we can look at the things we can do mindfully to make our lives easier.

By staying mindful we can keep ourselves level headed and calm. [Read more…]

How the Use of Ayurveda is Beneficial

Another insightful piece by yoga teacher, Manmohan Singh introducing us to the use of Ayurveda and the benefits that can be gained from this treatment and its practices.

Ayurveda is an approach based on the consciousness of the human mind and body. Ayur means ‘life’ and veda means ‘science’. Ayurveda teaches us a way of life to have a healthy body and mind. According to Ayurveda, a healthy mind leads to a healthy body and vice versa as they are connected. Treatments are given through natural therapies and lifestyle interventions. [Read more…]

5 Signs You’re Training Too Hard

In this ‘sit down’ world, I know only too well the determination and routine that must be found to keep physically active and attain relative fitness. In recent years, I have enjoyed yoga which opened up joints thus resulting in more flexibility and less pain.


I also currently play ‘walking football’ in my local community and walk regularly with Arthur (our rescue Lurcher) and just last week clocked up 38 miles during our walks.


All this physical activity obviously has benefits to overall wellbeing but what happens when we get carried away?  Our guest, Stella Evans, here shares some of the signs we can watch for when we lose some balance…

Those who are into fitness, and being physically active, are an inspiration to others who want to start their own fitness routine. It takes self-discipline and hard work to achieve a comfortable routine of training regularly. After a time, a high percentage of people reduce their routines but for others who continue with their regular training, the strenuous physical activities and workouts become a breeze. [Read more…]

7 Ways 30 days of Yoga Can Enhance Your Lifestyle

I know only too well how yoga can enhance one’s life. For me personally, I experienced a better balanced mind after a session, felt that sense of community, and reaped the benefits that the physical strengthening brought with it by opening up joints thus resulting in more flexibility and less pain.

Meera Watts a yoga teacher, founder of Siddhi Yoga and a mom has shared her writings on yoga and holistic health which have appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, amongst others and here shares 7 ways practicing yoga can bring great benefits to us, both physically and mentally.

When you choose to commit to a full 30 days of yoga, you will see a significant change in your lifestyle for the better. It will become second nature for you to do the best things for yourself. You will harness a sense of self-love and nurturing. The mind will become quieter and you’ll find that the aches and pains you experience, reduce or are completely alleviated. You will begin to develop a friendship with yourself and generally, the mind, body, and soul benefits. Here are 7 ways that a dedicated yoga practice can enhance your life. [Read more…]


As someone who’s been owned by both cats and dogs, it’s a joy to share this wonderful infographic provided by Catological reminding us of the many benefits cats bestow upon us. It has also taken me back in time to past family members, Chloe and Puss.

I can recall only too fondly, Chloe, our black cat of nearly two decades, and Puss, a rescue that was with us for less time than deserved. Despite Chloe being part of our family much longer than Puss, both have left indelible and beautiful memories, or paw prints, on our lives.

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Flowers, Allergies, Mental Health & Medicinal Effects

We are slowly approaching that time of year when we reach for the tissues and dig out our allergy remedies. But have you considered how flowers can affect your overall wellbeing? This wonderful infographic highlights how flowers can affect our mood in general and impact both our mental and physical health.

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How Travelling Can Help You Find Peace of Mind

Living the same day over and over again will not just make you an ideal replacement for Bill Murray in a modern remake of the 1993 film Groundhog Day, but also get you into a time loop where everything seems to be repeating without ever wanting to stop. Guest author Neil Adams is an Australian based entrepreneur and aspiring writer who’s been running his own online business for four years now. When not in his home office he loves adventuring around Australia and beyond and shares his thoughts on travel. [Read more…]