People Pleasing: Time to Refuel

At this time of year, when we are perhaps feeling under pressure to please others, we look at how we can notice and reduce ‘people pleasing’ behaviours, refuel our ‘emotional tanks’ and be more present for others by being kinder and more compassionate to our ‘selves’.

Putting other people’s needs first can seem like a noble thing to do, but when it becomes all we do, this can be problematic, not least because eventually we can run out of ‘fuel’ – physically and emotionally, leaving us unable to do much for anybody, including ourselves. [Read more…]

5 Ways to Deal with Body Image Issues

Many a time we assume body image issues affect only the young due to peer pressure and media pressure but this isn’t necessarily so. Whatever our age, we can benefit from these quick tips by Rebecca Brown who is an avid traveller who has had the amazing opportunity to travel to dozens of countries around the world, showcasing her experiences on Rough Draft.

In a recent Mission Australia Youth survey, 33% of respondents listed body image as a personal concern. Body image is shaped by a wide variety of factors. Some of those factors, like genetics, we cannot change.

But, Instagram posts with ultra-toned bodies are some triggers we can go without. You may be tempted to delete your social media profiles, but don’t let the pesky entertainment industry beat you. Here are a few quick tips that will help you appreciate how awesome you are! [Read more…]

Despair to Creativity – and Beyond!

This post is a wonderful guest piece that explores candidly the journey of just one remarkable individual who demonstrates in a truly inspiration way how it is possible to channel and self-manage serious and other depressive illness – into positivity via the medium of artistic creativity.

Since qualifying from Writtle College with a BSc in Landscape and Garden Design, Ian Price has won a number of awards for his gardens including the ALCI (Association of Landscape Contractors of Ireland) Bog Oak Trophy. Ian has also received accolades for his Show Gardens in 2004, 2005 and 2011. Further details at the foot of the page. [Read more…]

Great Expectations

What do you expect out of others, yourself, and life? Many personal frustrations demonstrated by clients are with people not meeting ‘their’ expectations. This may be unrecognised initially but when the question is considered, it can provide for that eureka moment.

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